Posts From December, 2011

Do I have a GPS position? 

Thursday, December 29, 2011 7:51:00 PM Categories: GPS ID-31A/E

If the GPS is enabled, the GPS icon will be turned on. It's quick and easy to see if you have an acquired signal.


GPS Indicator

First Time User 

Thursday, December 29, 2011 7:29:00 PM Categories: ID-31A/E New Users

You've just opened the box, connected the battery and antenna.

Now what?


First, I recommend enabling the internal GPS. Steps to enable

If you are in a location where you think that the radio should be able to acquire a GPS signal, then wait for the GPS icon to stop blinking.

Once you have GPS signal put the radio in DR mode and select your closest repeater in the FROM field

Select Your Call Sign then Use Refelector for the TO field.


Listen, then talk!



Where am I? Where are You? 

Thursday, December 29, 2011 7:23:00 PM Categories: ID-31A/E

The IC-31A/E makes it very easy to see where you are, as well as others that you are talking to.

Choose the Quick Menu Button, then GPS Position. There you are!

To see your course and speed, press the down button, To see the position of the station that you are talking to*, just continue to hit the down button.


*Assuming that the other station is transmitting GPS information.

ID-31A/E Repeater List Update 

Thursday, December 29, 2011 5:26:00 PM Categories: ID-31A/E

From the factory, the ID-31A/E comes with preloaded information about D-STAR repeaters worldwide. But since D-STAR 430/440 MHz repeaters are being added at an average of about 6 per month, that information is already out of date.  provides you with an up to date listing of repeaters for your radio's Repeater List. It's very easy to load into your radio.

  • First, download the updated file from ID-31A/D Repeater List . By right clicking the link and Save Target As... to your local disk.
  • Open the CS-31 software from Icom and Clone, Read <- TR to load the configuration from the radio to the Icom Software.
  • In the left window, expand Digital, then select Repeater List.
  • Once Repeater List is selected, Click File - Import - All... and select the file that you downloaded earlier.
  • Expand Repeater List and verify that the new information has been loaded.
  • From the Menu choose Clone, Write -> TR to save the information back to the radio.

This file is updated daily.


This file is a new product of and as such, there still may be some issues with it. Please drop us a note ( with any issues that you might have or comments.

As you might notice, as of this writing, there's only space for 4 more repeaters in the file. We're working to split the file into pieces to make it fit into the radio.

Look for more directory products for the ID-31A/E from in the near future!


Setting Time from GPS 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011 3:40:00 PM Categories: ID-31A/E

Since the radio has a GPS, the internal clock may be set from an extremely accurate time source.

To enable the clock setting from the GPS:

First, make sure that the GPS is turned on

  • Next MENU - Time Set - GPS Time Correct - Auto

and don't forget to change your UTC Offset

  • Next MENU - Time Set - UTC Offset - Hours from UTC

Since the radio only knows the UTC offset, you will have to change the UTC Offset when / if Daylight Saving Time changes effect.

Now of course everyone should know their UTC offset, but for those of you who may be having temporary amnesia:

Time Zone



Eastern Time



Central  Time



Mountain Time



Pacific Time



Central Europe Time



Tokyo Time



Enabling the Internal GPS 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011 3:26:00 PM Categories: GPS ID-31A/E New Users

For the Nearest Repeater function to work, the GPS must be enabled. The ID-31A supports the use of either the internal GPS or user supplied external GPS.

By default, neither GPS is selected. To enable the internal GPS:

  • MENU - GPS - GPS Set - GPS Select - Internal GPS

You may also want to set the Power Saving for the GPS

  • MENU - GPS - GPS Set - GPS Select - Power Save  - Auto

It may take a few minutes to acquire a valid signal. You should locate the radio so that it has a clear view of the sky. Once acquired, you can view the current information by choosing

  • QUICK MENU - GPS Information

Once the signal has been acquired, you can now see the closest repeater

  • Press and Hold the DR button for 1 sec. - Select FROM field - Select Center Blue Button - Near Repeater

Easy Repeater Operation 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011 9:10:00 PM Categories: ID-31A/E

D-STAR Repeater Operation

The radio can operate as previous models have. The expansion and preprogramming of the Repeater List allows for “choose your repeater and talk” operation. The steps to easy use aren’t necessarily obvious to new users.

To easily program your radio:

  1. Turn On Radio
  2. Press and Hold the DR button for 2 seconds. The radio display should look similar to this

Radio Display

  1. On this screen, the left hand side is highlighted in black to denote which field that you are changing, the TO or FROM field. The display above indicates that we are changing the FROM field.
  2. Rotate the volume knob until your local repeater is selected. (we’ll show you some shortcuts in a second).
  3. Hit the up (RX-CS) or down (DR) button to select the TO field. Rotate the volume knob again until you get to the desired destination.

Yes, as you scrolled through both the TO and FROM fields, there were probably a large number of entries of systems that you don’t care about and they were seemingly in no order. Let’s find a simpler way than scrolling through all of the systems.

Selecting FROM:

  1. Hit the up (RX-CS) or down (DR) button to select the FROM field.
  2. Select the center blue button. You will now see three options
  • Repeater List
  • Near Repeater
  • TX History
  1. Select the Repeater List by using the up (RX-CS) or down (DR) button or the Volume knob then press the center blue button again.
  2. You will now see a number of Groups numbered 01 up to 20. These are the Group Names under the Repeater List[1]. Select the group appropriate for your location by hitting the center blue button again
  3. You should now see a list of repeaters within your region.  You can use the volume control to rotate though the list. On the bottom line, the State/Province/Country will be displayed along with the call sign of the repeater. Use the center blue button to select your repeater.
  4. If the GPS is enabled and actively receiving position reports, you may also use the Near Repeater function. The ID-31A will list the nearest repeaters to your current location. You may then easily select the closest repeater to you.

Selecting TO:

  1. Hit the up (RX-CS) or down (DR) button to select the FROM field.
  2. Select the center blue button. You will now see a number of options
  • Local CQ
  • Gateway CQ
  • Your Call Sign
  • RX History
  • TX History
  • Direct Input (UR)
  • Direct Input (RPT)
  1. This is the tricky one. For most repeaters worldwide, the best option is to use YOUR CALL SIGN.
  2. You will then be prompted for which to use, choose “Use Reflector”[2]
  3. Then you can start talking!


So, simply put:

  • Put the Radio in DR mode
  • Choose the From Repeater (probably from the “Near Repeater List”)
  • Choose the TO Function (Your Call Sign with Use Reflector)

You are now on the air.


[1] This information comes preloaded on some models of the radio.

[2] “Use Reflector” is configured in some pre-loaded radios as CQCQCQ. This correctly configures the radio to append a G to the RPT2 callsign.

microSD Card 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011 9:08:00 PM Categories: ID-31A/E

microSD Card

Can hold the following information:

  • Memory Channel Contents
  • Repeater List
  • Transceiver Setting
  • Received communication activity (audio)
  • Voice audio  to use with the Auto Replay function in the DV Mode
  • Position and time data from a GPS receiver that is in a log file as a route.

Radio settings can be saved to or read from the SD card. Settings are saved as an .ICF file that can be read by the CS-31 Software. When reading, the following information may be read from the file:

  • ALL: Loads all of the memory channels, item settings in the menu list and the repeater list into the transceiver.
  • Except My Station: Loads all of the memory channels, item settings in the menu list except MY call signs and the repeater list into the transceiver.
  • Repeater List Only: Loads only the repeater list into the transceiver.

The card initially is blank.

Information Stored on the microSD card

microSD card can be read with a standard computer. The card contains a number of folders with a folder named ID-31 at the root. Under this folder are the following:

  • GPS
    • Stores GPS logging information
  • Reply
    • Stores Automatic Reply Information
  • Setting
    • The transceivers settings data (.icf files)
  • Voice
    • Recorded audio files
    • One folder for each date