Icom ID-5100 Arrives

The Icom ID-5100 arrived on our door step yesterday. And the unpacking began.

The main unit is similar in size to the ID-2820, 2 speaker, a data jack and a single antenna (no diversity receive) on the back and the control head and microphone jacks on the front, as well as a place for a SD card.

The big difference is the display unit, this thing is huge! It's about 50% bigger than the ID-2820's control head and the letters are easy to read. And like the ID-7100, it's a touch screen.

By default, the GPS is enabled, so after a few minutes, the GPS stopped blinking and I was able to use the nearest repeater function to program up the local repeater. It didn't prompt me to enter my call sign, so I had to go do that, but in just a few minutes, I was on the air. No Programming Required!

Programming and use of the DR mode is about the same as the ID-7100, just touch and select the nearest repeater. You do have to remember to switch the TO: to "Use Reflector CQCQCQ" or else you won't have the Gateway setting in RPT2.


  • As mentioned above, when in the DR mode, choose the "Use Reflector CQCQCQ" option and not the default CQCQCQ
  • No need to add reflectors to the Your Call List, the ID-5100 now supports DPlus reflectors natively. Just select Reflector - Link to Reflector - Direct Input and dial in the Reflector number and module letter that you desire to link to.
  • The radio will now monitor two D-STAR repeaters. Only one audio comes through, and the main always has priority. But you do see the callsign and position of users on the sub band.
  • Press things! Pressing on the different areas of the screen often opens up additional functions. For example pressing on the clock shows detailed time informations.
  • Sometimes pressing and holding is your friend. For example, a tap of the frequency shows one thing while pressing and holding shows another
  • Direct Importing of CSV files is supported. You can download CSV files from this site, place on a SD card and import them into the radio.