Atlanta Radio Club purchases D-STAR radio for NWS

The Atlanta Radio Club has purchased an Icom IC-2820H for use at the Amateur Radio station at the National Weather Service office in Peachtree City, Georgia.  The Peachtree City office serves most of Georgia.  The D-STAR radio will allow NWS to collect additional weather information via Amateur Radio.   Adding D-STAR to the Amateur Radio capabilities at the station will connect the office to other D-STAR repeaters across Georgia and allow storm spotting and weather reports from places not currently served by other linked FM repeater systems in the state.  In addition, Peachtree City office can receive information from neighboring states such as Alabama where thuderstorm and tornado activity frequently originates before passing into Georgia.  D-STAR also allows direct conectivity with other weather service offices in Alabama, Florida and South Carolina, the State Operations Center at Georgia Emergency Management and many county Emergency Operations Centers in Georgia.  The new radio should be installed and in operation soon to be ready for the Spring severe weather season.