Saturday January 28, 2012 (9am - 4pm)
Radisson Park Inn Sharon Hotel - West Middlesex, PA

D-STAR Day will be held at the Radisson Park Inn Sharon hotel in West Middlesex, PA., on Saturday January 28th, 2012. Starting at 9 AM and finishing at 4 PM.

We believe about 100 hams will attend from the local area including Pittsburgh, Youngstown, Akron/Canton, Cleveland and Erie. D-STAR Day will include presentations from Icom and other D-STAR experts. If you want to learn more about D-STAR, this is your chance.

ICOM America is excited to attend D-STAR Day. Presenting will be ICOM Division Manager - Amateur and Receiver Products - Ray Novak, N9JA. Staff from DX Engineering and Superbertha.com will be in attendance as well!

In addition to Ray Novak, N9JA – here are some of the other attendees to D-STAR Day:

  • Founder of the Georgia Statewide D Star network and D-Rats expert – John Davis, WB4QDX
  • The inventor of the DV Dongle – Robin Cutshaw, AA4RC
  • ARRL Atlantic Division Director Bill Edgar, N3LLR
  • ARRL Western Pennsylvania Section Manager – John Rodgers, N3MSE

There will also be a “field trip” for all participants to nearby (1 mile away) Amateur Radio station K3LR


For more information http://www.dstarday.com/