D-STAR Special Event Station in UK

To correspond with National Science Week, St Cyres schools in Penarth and Dinas Powis in South Wales UK will be operating Special Event stations as part of the school curriculum science projects.

Barry Amateur Radio Society will be operating GB2SCP from Penarth and GB2SCD from Dinas Powis, under supervision we aim to get schoolchildren to communicate with Radio operators across the world on this event.

The event will operate for a short period of time, from approx 11:30 UTC until school close probably around 15:00 UTC on Wednesday 16th March 2011.

We will be using Reflector 36C for the event and are likely to link GB7CD in Cardiff and MB6BA simplex link in Barry for this event, we would welcome any contacts via Reflector 36C for the duration of the event.

As well as operating on D-Star the schools will also be operating on the HF Bands with both voice and PSK Modes being employed.

The school is being judged for a national award on this event and are currently third based on the work they have done leading to this event, with your help we would like to get them into first place and win this national award.

Please look out for us and call in on the day.

Thanks and 73