Coke and Atlanta Radio Club Anniversaries On Saturday May 7th the Atlanta Radio Club will be hosting a special event station in downtown Atlanta to celebrate Coke's 125th and ARC's 100th anniversaries. Coke will also be having some entertainment and event downtown. We will be operating CW and SSB on HF. We will also be operating D-Star via possibly REF030C using W4DOC C or B. We will be calling CQ.Coke has designed the QSL card for this event. Everyone who sends us a card and SASE will get a card in return regardless of method they used to make contact. If you use D-Star you can still get a card!!!QSL manager for this event will be K0NWT. 73,Chris k4fh Posted by Admin Wednesday, April 27, 2011 3:40:00 PM Categories: D-STAR Previous Post << >> Next Post