DSTARInfoCon 2011 is now in the History Books


About 70 folks made it to the DSTARInfoCon even with it being Easter weekend. And about 70 folks staggered away, full of all sorts of new D-STAR information. From the beginners to the advanced, there were classes to be enjoyed by everyone.

First, I'd like to thank the instructors who did this out of the goodness of their heart.

Bill Cherepy – WB4WTN John Davis – WB4QDX Rob Hoppe – KI4SBT
Chris Fowler – K4FH Ken Adkisson – WB4FAY Robin Cutshaw – AA4RC
David Lake – G4ULF Paul Eakin – KJ4G Scott Hartlage – KF4PWI
Ed Woodrick – WA4YIH Pete Loveall – AE5PL Mark Holmes - KJ4VO

And all of the participants who made the trek. I believe that we had 5 states represented!

3 of our presenters attended without being there. David, Pete, and Mark all were remote presenters, spread across the country and joining us either with D-STAR or Web Meeting.

The following is a list of classes that we had


Getting  Started with D-STAR Low Speed Data/DPRS Repeater Basics
Linking/Callsign Routing High Speed Data/1.2 GHz G2 Gateway/Trust Server
Programming Radios Hotspots Repeater Operation, Maintenance
Programming Radio Practice D-RATS Gateway Utilities & Add-ons
Using D-STAR DV Dongle and DVAP G4ULF Gateway Software


It was a full day of D-STAR. And we even had giveaways from Icom, RT Systems, and HRO.